Three Phase Voltage And Frq. Monitor Relay RNPP-311-1

Three Phase Voltage And Frq. Monitor Relay RNPP-311-1

Product Details:

Voltage Type AC
Voltage (V) 400 - 415V AC
Number of Poles 4 Pole, 3 Pole
Application Mains Voltage & Frequency Monitoring
Current (Amps) 5A

Three Phase Relays For Monitoring Voltage, Phase Imbalance and Phase Sequence
The RNPP-311 voltage monitoring relay is designed for protection of three-phase loads against major type of mains faults, as:

  • RMS voltage reaching beyond admissible thresholds
  • Phase sequence order violation and phase coincidence
  • Violation of the mains voltage phase completeness and symmetry

The device performs monitoring the main circuit parameters and de-energizes load when the parameters fall beyond specified boundaries.

The front panel LEDs display the following:

  • Presence of voltage in each phase
  • Emergency de-energizing the load

The trip setting for the maximum/minimum voltage threshold is combined and is set by adjustable potentiometer as percentage of the rated voltage. RNPP-311 automatically energizes load upon expiration of the AR (automatic restart time) since the moment of the mains parameters recovery. The devices are manufactured with standard AR delay set to 5 sec, but optionally, they can be manufactured with the AR delay presets of 0, 10, 60, 100, 150, 200 and 250 sec.

Documentation for this device

Additional Information:

  • Item Code: RNPP-311-1
  • Port of Dispatch: New Delhi, India


Rated phase line voltage, V



Range: Umax-tripping / Umin,% of nominal

5 - 25

Fixed delay in Umin, seconds


The magnitude of the amplitude phase imbalance, V


Fixed response time of Umax,seconds


Fixed reaction time on loss of one phase, seconds


AR time after recovery voltage parameters,seconds


The accuracy of determining the threshold voltage, V

to 3

Fixed setting to reduce the frequency, Hz


Fixed setting to enhance the frequency in Hz


Fixed. Response time. to reduce the frequency,seconds


Fixed. Response time. to increase the frequency,seconds



The accuracy of determining the threshold frequency, Hz

± 0,3

Starter coil voltage, V, AC

110 - 380

Starter coil voltage, V, DC


Voltage at which the stored performance, V

from 80 to 500

Short-Term permissible max. voltage at which survived efficiency V


Hysteresis voltage, V  


The total current consumption of the network, mA, not more


Operating temperature, °C

from -35 to + 55

Storage temperature, °C

from -45 to + 70

Switching resource under load of 5 A, times, not less


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